Why Your Dentist May Suggest Fluoride Treatment

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If you are looking to sustain excellent oral health and want to know if there is something more you could be doing to keep your teeth healthy, come speak with Dr. Eric Eidbo. Depending on the condition of your health and quality of your dental habits, our dentist may suggest fluoride treatment to fortify your smile against tooth decay.

Dental professionals in the dental field have many opinions about fluoride, but it’s recommended by the American Dental Association and most dentists in America recognize it as a helpful tool against tooth decay. If you have not received this sort of treatment before, we can provide you with some of the benefits of fluoride treatment.

Our team at Oak Grove Dental can provide quick, easy fluoride treatment as part of your regular dental exam at least once a year. Afterward, allow a period of time for the fluoride to penetrate your tooth enamel by not brushing your teeth right away.

Dr. Eric Eidbo can also prescribe daily fluoride supplements to keep your teeth strong if you don’t have regular access to fluoride in your water or fluoridated dental products.

Using fluoride toothpaste can help, but it may not be sufficient in preventing tooth decay and tooth sensitivity. Notify your dentist quickly if you have noticed symptoms of cavities or tooth sensitivity so that he can improve your smile with a routine fluoride treatment if needed.

If you have questions about fluoride treatment in Concord, California, please don’t hesitate to contact Oak Grove Dental at 925-685-2286 to connect with our friendly team.